Benefits of Trusting God in Hard Times


Benefits of Trusting God in Hard Times

Are you going through hard times?

Are you going facing difficult challenges?

Are you wondering if you should continue trusting God?

If you are, first pray and ask God to help you solve your problems regardless of whether they are health-related, financial, familial or social.

Secondly, do what He says you should do about your situation through the Bible or what He tells you to do through the inspiration of His Holy Spirit.

Thirdly, decide to trust God completely with the outcome of your situation. To learn how to do this read How to Trust God Completely.

How to Trust God Completely

Benefits of Trusting God

Trusting God is very important when managing stress from any source because it has numerous benefits which include:

1. Having  Peace of Mind

The Bible tells us that You will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you because He trusts in You. (Isaiah 26:3)

Therefore if you want to be at peace in the middle of your stressful situation, trust God and keep you mind focused on Him instead of focused on the problems.

Isaiah 26:3

To keep your mind focused on God when life is battering you with problems from all sides, you have to remind yourself of the times He helped you in the past to overcome other problems you were facing and the times He helped people in Bible who were dealing with gigantic challenges. 

For example if you are stressed because you are sick remind yourself that a crowd that included people who were lame, blind, mute and maimed came to Jesus and They laid them at Jesus' feet and He healed them. (Matthew 15:30)

If you are stressed because you do not have money to buy food remind yourself that God fed 600,000 men and their families in the wilderness for A wind went out from Him and brought quail from the sea and left them fluttering all around the camp. (Numbers 11:31) 

If you are stressed because you are looking for a child remind yourself that God enabled Abraham and Sarah to get a child when they were very old because Abraham was 100 years old when Isaac was born(Genesis 21:5) 

To learn more read Proof That With God All Things Are Possible.

Proof that With God All Things are Possible

2. God Will Protect You

The Bible tells us that He is a shield to those who put their trust in Him. (Proverbs 30:5)

Therefore, decide to trust God regardless of what you are going through and He will protect you. You may have to go through a very difficult period like when Shadrach, Meshack and Abednego were thrown into a fiery furnace because of refusing to worship an idol but God protected them through it all so that when they trial ended, they did not even smell of having been through the fire.

To help you trust God when you are in the middle of a fiery trial, remind yourself that All things work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose. (Romans 8:28)

We can see that even though Shadrach, Meshack and Abednego went through a stressful time when they were thrown into a furnace because of their beliefs, it worked out for their good because King Nebuchadnezzar promoted them afterwards (Daniel 3:30) and he even praised God for Nebuchadnezzar said, "Blessed be the God of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego who sent His Angels and delivered His servants who trusted in Him." (Daniel 3:28)

Share with us in the comments section if you have experienced any of these benefits of trusting God in hard times.

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How To Correct Your Self-Concept So That You Can Win In Life

How to correct your self-concept so that you can win in life

What Is Self-Concept?

Your self-concept is your self-image which is how you see yourself from your physical characteristics to your personality traits (how you think, feel and behave) and your role in society.

Your self-concept also includes your self-esteem which is how much you like, accept and approve of yourself.

A poor self-concept can keep you from getting the great things that God has in store for you because the Israelites were unable to fight for their Promised Land because they saw themselves as insects for they said We were like grasshoppers in our own eyes. (Numbers 13:33) 

It is therefore important to have a good self-concept with good self-image and a high self-esteem so that you do not disqualify yourself and let the great things that God has qualified you to have pass you by.

A poor self-concept can also make you hide in the shadows of life when God expects you to Let your light shine before men, so that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven. (Matthew 5:16)

Let your light shine before men, so that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven. (Matthew 5:16)

Therefore improve your self-image by learning from Gideon's life. We know that he had a poor self-image because when the Angel of the Lord sent him to save Israel, Gideon replied and asked, "O my Lord, how can I save Israel? Indeed my clan is the weakest in Manasseh, and I am the least in my father's house. (Judges 6:15)

However, despite having a poor self-image, Gideon was still able to do what God wanted him to do.

If you have a poor self-concept, but you still want to do what God wants you to do, learn from the events of Gideon's life and do the following:


The first thing that you should do to improve your self-image is to pray.

Pray and ask God to heal you in the damaged parts that cause you to have a poor self-image or low self-esteem. For example you can say the following prayer,

Heavenly Father I ask You in the name of Jesus to help me view my physical body positively because Psalm 139:14 tells me that I am wonderfully made. 

Father God help me to accept my unique personality because I am Your workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works according to Ephesians 2:10

Father God I also ask You in the name of Jesus to help me love myself because according to Matthew 22:39 I am to love my neighbor as much as I love myself. 

Prayer for Good Self Esteem

Then, pray and ask God to be with you. 

This is because when Gideon said he was too insignificant to do what God was telling him which was to Save Israel from the hand of the Midianites (Judges 6:14), the Lord said to him, "Surely I will be with you, and you shall defeat the Midianites as one man." (Judges 6:16)

Therefore, believe that you can achieve anything when God is with you.

So pray and ask God to be with you so that you can do what He is calling you to do regardless of what you think or feel about yourself.

Pray without ceasing 1 Thessalonians 5:17

Believe That God Is With You

After praying, believe that God is with you because He promises you saying, I will never leave you nor forsake you. (Deuteronomy 31:6, Hebrews 13:5)

I will never leave you nor forsake you Hebrews 13:5

Defeat Fear With Faith in God

Fighting fear is very important if you want to attain and maintain a good self-concept because fear will keep you hiding in your shell and it will make you bury your talents instead of using them to glorify God. 

We know that Gideon was afraid of the Midianites because when the Angel of the Lord appeared to him, he was threshing wheat in a winepress so that he could hide it from the Midianites. (Judges 6:11)

We cannot blame Gideon for being afraid of the Midianites because after the Israelites had sown their crops, the Midianites would come to their land when they were as many as locusts (Judges 6:5) and they would destroy the plants the Israelites had sown and not leave any sustenance for them. They would also not leave any sheep or ox or donkeys for the Israelites. (Judges 6:3-5) 

As a result the Israelites were very poor (Judges 6:6) and they even had to leave their homes and live in caves in the mountains (Judges 6:2) because of the Midianites.

Thus we can see that the environment that he was living in had made Gideon very fearful. 

If you are in a similar situation where your life circumstances have made you fearful, fight the fear by having faith in God because faith is the antidote for fear. 

Therefore, decide to believe God when He tells you, Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed for I am your God. (Isaiah 41:10)

Then believe that you can overcome all problems with God's help because He tells you, I will strengthen you, yes I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand. (Isaiah 41:10) 

So defeat fear by believing that God is with you and that He will help you and He will uphold you with His right hand.

Fear not,  for I am with you;  Be not dismayed,  for I am your God.  I will strengthen you,  Yes I will help you,  I will uphold you with  My righteous right hand. (Isaiah 41:10)

Believe That You Can Do Great Things

Gideon did a great thing which was to save the Israelites from the Midianites because God was with him.

Therefore, believe that you can also do great things when God is with you even if you are currently weak, afraid, poor and oppressed because With God all things are possible. (Matthew 19:26)

With God all things are possible. (Matthew 19:26)

Correct Your Self-Concept

Correct your self-concept so that you can begin to see yourself the way God sees you as this will enable you to face life like a victor even if you are the underdog in the eyes of the world.

We can see that even though Gideon saw himself as weak and insignificant, God did not see him that way for the Angel of the Lord greeted Gideon by saying, "The Lord is with you, you mighty man of valor!" (Judges 6:12)

Therefore, even if life has told you that you are weak and insignificant, know that in the eyes of God you are not because you are God's child for He tells us, I will be a Father to you, and you shall be My sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty. (2 Corinthians 6:18)

So begin to see yourself as a Child of God who is loved by God.

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Kenyan Christian Business Ideas

Do you live in Kenya?

Are you looking to start a business idea?

If you are, BVJ Company have the following Kenyan Christian business ideas for you to start.

These business ideas are very easy to start since BVJ Company offers dropshipping in Kenya services.

Dropshipping in Kenya business

How do I start a dropshipping in Kenya business?

To start a dropshipping in Kenya business, follow these beginner steps:
1. Post the photos and videos of the products on this page that you want to sell on your social media pages.
2. Once you get a sale and a customer pays you for the product, send the shipping address of your customer to BVJ Company on WhatsApp at 0721 963 156. 
3. BVJ will tell you how to pay for the product.
4. BVJ will then ship the product to your customer.

This business model saves you the business person from having to spend your money to buy the products before you get a customer. It also saves you the hassle of shipping the product to the customer.

NB. If you would like to stock the products in your own shop, BVJ Company also offers them that option by selling the products to you at a wholesale price.

Kenyan business ideas profitable ideas for women

Bible Verses Jars Kenya Business Idea

A Bible Verse Jar is a glass jar that is filled with color-coded scriptures that address different emotions like sadness, anger, anxiety, loneliness or feeling happy or thankful.

Buy Bible Verse Jar Kenya Business Idea

To use the Bible Verse Jar simply pick a scripture depending on how you are feeling by reading the color chart on the label.

Buy Bible Verse Jar Kenya Business Idea

For example if you are feeling happy, chose a yellow paper which contains a relevant scripture.

Buy Bible Verse Jar Kenya Business Idea

If you are feeling thankful, chose a light pink paper which contains a relevant scripture.

Bible Verse Jar Kenya Business Idea

If you are feeling angry, chose a dark pink paper which contains a relevant scripture.

Bible Verse Jar Kenya Business Idea

If you are feeling anxious, chose a green paper which contains a relevant scripture.

Bible Verse Jar Kenya Business Idea

If you are feeling lonely, chose a light blue paper which contains a relevant scripture.

Bible Verse Jar Kenya Business Idea

If you are feeling sad, chose a dark blue paper which contains a relevant scripture.

Bible Verse Jar Kenya Business Idea

Our Bible Verse Jars come in a handsome decorative box that makes them wonderful presents for birthdays, Mother's day, Father's day or any other special occasion.

They are also great gifts for new Christians who you want to learn more of the Word of God. 

These Bible Verse Jars are also wonderful corporate gifts for Christian organizations since they come in a sturdy gift box.

Bible Verse Jar Kenya Business Idea Gift


Retail Price 

Ksh 2500 for 1 Bible Verse Jar in a Gift Box

Shipping Cost

When promoting the product on your social media pages be sure to inform the customer that there is an additional Ksh 300 for shipping to anywhere in Kenya.

This means that if the customer buys 1 Bible Verse Jar, they pay you 

2500 (for the Bible Verse Jar) + 300 (for delivery) = 2800

You then send BVJ Company 2300 and they will ship the Bible Verse Jar to the customer. 

Your profit as a business person is Ksh 500 for each Bible Verse Jar sold by the Dropshipping Method.

Wholesale Price

Ksh 2000 for 1 Bible Verse Jar in a Gift Box

This price is for those who want to stock the Bible Verse Jars in their own shops and buy 3 or more Bible Verse Jars at once. 

This price makes the Bible Verse Jar business a great small business idea to start with 10K in Kenya. It is also a unique business idea that employed persons can start as a side hustle in Kenya. It is also a good business idea for students seeking to make some money on the side.

Bible verse jar Kenya business

How To Order

Call or WhatsApp +254 721 963 156

How to Market Bible Verse Jar

Post the pictures in this blog post on your social media pages in Tiktok, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest or any other channel and when you get an order, contact BVJ Company using the above number.

Bible Verse Jar Dropshipping Business Kenya


How profitable is dropshipping in Kenya?

Dropshipping is profitable in Kenya if you market your products well and make sales. For example if you sell 1 Bible Verse Jar at Ksh 2500, you get a profit of Ksh 500. If you sell 10 Bible Verse Jars you get a profit of Ksh 5000.

Is dropshipping legal in Kenya?

Yes, dropshipping is legal in Kenya.

How much does it cost to start dropshipping in Kenya?

It costs zero Ksh. to start dropshipping and you can start dropshipping for free in Kenya by simply posting the pictures on this page of the products you want to sell on your social media channels. Once you get a sale, inform BVJ Company and they will send the product to your customer.

Dropshipping jobs in Kenya

Are there dropshipping jobs in Kenya?

Yes, there are dropshipping jobs in Kenya and you can create your own by beginning to promote the products on this page.

How To Stop Wandering In The Wilderness

How to stop wandering in the wilderness

Regardless of whether you are currently living in a health or financial or relationship or career or social wilderness, understand that the choices you make in your Wilderness Season will determine how long it takes and where it takes you.

The choices you make in your wilderness season determine how long it takes and where it takes you.

We can see this from the fact that the Israelites spent 40 years wandering in the wilderness while making an 11 day journey because of the choices they made.

These wrong choices or wrong turns that they took in their walk with God through the wilderness included:

Mistake #1 Being Afraid To Fight

When Pharaoh freed the Israelites, God did not lead them through the land of the Philistines even though it was the shorter route because He said, “Incase the Israelites change their minds when they see that they have to fight and return to Egypt.” So God led them around through the wilderness. (Exodus 13:17-18)

Therefore do not be afraid to fight spiritually.

We can also see that even after wandering in the wilderness for some time, the Israelites were still scared of fighting. Joshua and Caleb told them, “The land we spied is an exceedingly good land which is flowing with milk and honey. If the Lord is pleased with us, He will bring us into the land and give it to us. Do not rebel against God or fear the people.” (Numbers 14:6-9)

However, instead of listening to these encouraging words and readying themselves to battle for their Promised Land, the Israelites wanted to stone Joshua and Caleb. (Numbers 14:10)

Even Psalm 78:9 tells us that The children of Israel, turned back on the day of battle when they were armed and carrying bows.

Therefore if you want to stop wandering in your wilderness, you have to stop being afraid of fighting spiritually.

You have to Put on the whole armor of God so that you may be able to stand against the tricks of the devil …withstand in the evil day and having done all, continue standing.

Therefore tie the belt of truth around your waist, put on the breastplate of righteousness and wear the shoes of the preparation of the gospel of peace.

Most importantly, take the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the enemy. And, wear the helmet of salvation as you take the sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God. (Ephesians 6:10-17)

To wear your armor, begin by saying with your mouth that “Jesus is Lord” and believing in your heart that when He died for our sins God raised Him from the dead and you will be saved. (Romans 10:9) Then, commit to being truthful and righteous in thought, word and deed. Read the Word of God daily, believe it and speak it over your wilderness situation. 

Put on the whole armor of God Ephesians 6

Understand also that you may have to combine prayer with faith and fasting because there are some wilderness situations that will not change unless you do so.

An example is the boy who had epilepsy that was so severe that he fell into fire and water. When the disciples asked Jesus why they were unable to heal him, He told them that it was because of their unbelief plus the fact that This type does not come out except by prayer and fasting. (Matthew 17:21)

Therefore after putting on your whole armor of God, combine prayer with faith and fasting to fight your way out of your wilderness situation and enter your Promised Land.

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