The following are the times when you have to make the first move on God:
When To Make The First Move On God
How To Fight Your Giants
Are you facing a giant in your life?
Are you facing a problem so big that you do not know how to surmount it?
For example, has the disease you are suffering from spread so much that you do not know what to do it?
Have your debts increased so much that you feel like they are burying you?
If you are, know that David can teach you how to fight your giant successfully.
Understand also that you can learn from the Israelites how NOT to face the giants you have to fight.
This is because both David and the Israelites faced giants but David defeated his giant while the Israelites were defeated by their giants even before they fought them.
Consequently, David moved on from being a shepherd in the wilderness because after he defeated Goliath, King Saul took him that day, and would not let him go home to his father's house anymore. (1 Samuel 18:2)
However, the Israelites continued wandering in their wilderness and they did so for 40 years.
So David's wilderness season ended while that of the Israelites continued.
Therefore, know that how you deal with the giants in your life can determine whether you will move to a new season or a new level in your life or whether you will continue wandering in your current season.
How To Fight Your Giants
1. Turn Away From The People Who Speak Negatively
How To Fight Your Giants
2. Do Not Be Discouraged
How To Fight Your Giants
3. Remember What God Has Done For You
How To Fight Your Giants
4. Have GOD-FIDENCE And Be Confident That God Will Help You
How To Fight Your Giants
5. Have SELF-CONFIDENCE And A Good Opinion About Yourself
How To Fight Your Giants
6. Believe The Giant Can Be Defeated
How To Fight Your Giants
7. Know That God Saves Through His Spirit
How To Fight Your Giants
8. Put God In The Equation
Bible Verses For Women
Serve God First
When King Rehoboam and the Israelites sinned against God (2 Chronicles 12;1), King Shishak of Egypt attacked them.
God then spoke through Shemaiah and told them, ''They will be his servants so that they may distinguish My service from service of the kingdoms of the nations." (2 Chronicles 12;8)
Therefore, learn to distinguish and to prioritize God's service or the work that He has given you to do so that you are not forced to serve the kingdoms of the nations.
God Put Wisdom In Solomon's Heart
The Bible tells us that All the kings of the earth sought the presence of Solomon to hear his wisdom, which God had put in his heart. (2 Chronicles 9:23)
King Solomon's wisdom was something that God had placed inside of him. He did not buy it by hiring learned teachers or gain it from much studying. It was simply a gift from God which brought great benefit to his life.
This show us that God can also give us wisdom to deal with our various life situations.
What we need is to specifically pray for it especially when we face challenges that are beyond our ability.
Therefore remind yourself that the Bible also tells us that If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of go Who giveth to all men liberally and without reproach and it shall be given to him. (James 1:5)
However,understand that God can do more that put wisdom in a person's heart. He can give the person a new heart for He says through Ezekiel, I will .... take the stony heart out of their flesh and give them a heart of flesh so that they may walk in My statutes and keep My judgements and do them and they shall be My people and I will be with God. (Ezekiel 11:19-20)
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