Have you been waiting on God as you watch someone dear to you die? Or is it your marriage or your ministry or your business that is dying as you wait on God to intervene? Whatever your situation, do not give up on God. Learn from Martha and Mary.

When Lazarus became sick, his sisters Martha and Mary sent a message to Jesus informing Him of his illness. On receiving the message, Jesus said that Lazarus’ sickness would not just end in death, but rather, it would be for the glory of God, that the Son of God may be glorified through it.” (John 11:4)

Martha and Mary could not have known that their brother's sickness was for a larger purpose as they watched his condition deteriorate until he died. They could not have understood why Jesus delayed in coming to see His dear friend and arrived four days after his burial.

They also could not have foreseen that the people who had come to mourn and bury their brother would see him being raised from the dead and they would believe that Jesus really was the Son of God.

Therefore, if you do not understand why you are going through such agonizing losses, continue trusting Jesus because He may be setting you up to receive a larger miracle the way Martha and Mary and Lazarus received a resurrection in their family when they had been hoping for a healing.

Continue trusting Him because you cannot see the entire picture of how this loss of your fits into His divine purposes for there may be people who do not believe in Jesus but when they witness the miraculous revival of what had died in your life, they will believe, get saved and glorify God for it.

You may not even be aware that these people are watching you as grief entombs you, but keep trusting God because His Word assures us that all things (positive and negative) work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose. (Romans 8:28)

Excerpt from Managing Stress with the Word of God. © 2006 Dr Miriam Kinai. For more info click here.

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