

To manage any stressful situation effectively, you have to ask God for whatever you need to resolve your stressful situation for He tells us to Ask, and it will be given to us. (Matthew 7:7)

After asking, understand that to receive your request, you have to believe that you will receive it for His Word urges us to Ask in faith, without doubting, for the person who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind. Let not that doubting  person think that he will receive anything from the Lord because they are double-minded and unstable in all their ways. (James 1:6-8)

So, since Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not yet seen (Hebrews 11:1), asking in faith entails seeing yourself receiving the things that you are asking God to give you.

If you are asking for healing, you have to see the laboratory tests returning as normal, the cancerous mass becoming undetectable and the doctors telling you that you have been cured.

If you are praying for your family to be restored, you have to see your marital problems resolving and the wayward child coming back home.

If you are praying for a financial breakthrough, you have to see yourself receiving the appointment letter and cashing the cheque.

Therefore, ask God for what you need in prayer, believe that He will give it to you and then live expecting to receive it.

Adapted from Managing Stress with the Word of God by Dr. Miriam Kinai. (C) 2006

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