
Bible Verses for Christian Goal Setting

Bible Verses for Christian Goal Setting

Christian Goal Setting teaches you how to set and achieve your goals using Biblical principles.
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Christian Goal Setting Book Excerpt
Pray Over The Goal
The first step to achieving your goals in life is to pray over the goals.

Learn from David when he and his men’s returned to their homes in Ziklag and found that their houses had been razed and their wives and children kidnapped by the Amalekites for David inquired of the Lord saying, “Shall I pursue after this troop?” (1 Samuel 30:8)

David did not set a goal of setting out immediately before seeking the Lord’s direction. 

God then encouraged him to set out on his goal getting back his family by saying, “Pursue, for you shall surely overtake them and recover everything.” (1 Samuel 30:8)  

As a result of acknowledging God, God directed David’s path and he and his men found an Egyptian who had been a servant of one of the kidnapping Amalekites. This Egyptian had been left to die in the field by his master when he fell sick and he led David and his men to the hideout of the Amalekite attackers.

David and his men were therefore able to find and fight the Amalekites and they recovered all their family members and all their property. (1 Samuel 30:11-19)

Therefore, Do not be wise in your own eyes. (Proverbs 3:7) Or, in other words do not consider yourself so wise that you do not need God’s guidance. 

Instead, In all your ways acknowledge God and He shall direct your paths. (Proverbs 3:6) Seek God’s direction before you set out to set your goals because He can help you save time and money for David and his men could have wasted days and even weeks looking for the Amalekites’ hideout if the Lord had not directed their paths to the ailing Egyptian who was willing to lead them to his cruel master.

In addition, the Bible also tells us that “If any person lacks wisdom, let them ask God who gives to all liberally and it shall be given to them.” (James 1:5) Therefore, ask for the wisdom to set and pursue the right goals in the sight of God. 

But, there is a caveat to receiving this wisdom for the next verses say, “But let that person ask in faith, without wavering because the person who wavers is like a wave in the sea tossed by the wind. Let not that person think that they shall receive anything from the Lord because they are double minded and unstable in all their ways.” (James 1:6-8)

Therefore, as you ask for wisdom and help in setting your goals, you have to ask while believing that God can give you all the wisdom that you need.
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