Symptoms of stress can be divided into physical, mental, emotional and behavioral.
Physical Symptoms of Stress
Physical symptoms of stress include:
1. Muscle aches
2. Headaches, migraines
3. Chest pains, palpitations
4. Appetite increase or decrease (For my sighing cometh before I eat. Job 3:24)
5. Weight increase or decrease (My bone cleaveth to my skin and to my flesh. Job 19:20)
6. Sleeping difficulties like inability to fall asleep or waking up tired (When I lie down, I say, When shall I arise, and the night be gone? and I am full of tossings to and fro unto the dawning of the day. Job 7:4)
7. Physical exhaustion (My hand lacks energy because of my groaning. Job 23:2)
Mental Symptoms of Stress
Mental symptoms of stress include:
1. Poor concentration
2. Difficulties making simple decisions
3. Forgetfulness
Emotional Symptoms of Stress:
Emotional symptoms of stress include:
1. Feeling tearful and crying (I am tired of my crying; all night I drench my bed with tears. (Psalm 6:6))
3. Feeling angry
3. Feeling depressed
Behavioral Symptoms of Stress
Behavioral symptoms of stress include:
1. Being irritable
2. Being very aggressive
3. Neglecting personal appearance
Stress Related Illnesses
In addition to developing physical, mental, emotional and behavioral symptoms, persons who are going through stress can also develop stress-related illnesses especially if they are dealing with chronic stress.
These stress-related illnesses include:
1. Hypertension or high blood pressure
2. Migraines
3. Tension headaches
4. Anxiety
5. Depression
6. Chronic fatigue syndrome
7. Acne
8. Rosacea
9. Psoriasis
10. Other skin diseases like neurodermatitis (My skin is broken, and become loathsome. Job 7:5)
It is therefore imperative for one to learn how to manage stress effectively to avoid developing these symptoms of stress and stress-related illnesses.
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