
Christian Stress Management Course

Christian Stress Management Course

The Basic Christian Stress Management Course is one of the best stress management courses online. This course teaches you how to manage stress effectively by combining Biblical principles and medical techniques.

This stress management training course uses informative lecture notes, color pictures and you tube videos to teach you about stress. Each lesson concludes with assignments to help the student apply what they have learned.

This training on stress management is self paced thereby allowing the student as much time as they need to work through it without stressing them with deadlines.

By the end of the course the student will be able to:

1. Define stress

2. Name different sources of stress

2. Explain how the body responds to stress

3. Describe the physical, mental, emotional and behavioral symptoms of stress

4. Manage stress by using Biblical principles
5. Manage stress by using medical relaxation techniques

6. Know how to stop worrying

7. Know how to defeat fear

Chapter 1. Lesson 1A What is Stress?
Chapter 2. Lesson 1B How Does the Body Respond to Stress?
Chapter 3. Lesson 1C What are the Symptoms of Stress?
Chapter 4. Lesson 2A Biblical Stress Management Principle #1
Chapter 5. Lesson 2B Medical Relaxation Technique #1
Chapter 6. Lesson 3A Biblical Stress Management Principle #2
Chapter 7. Lesson 3B Medical Relaxation Technique #2
Chapter 8. Lesson 4A Biblical Stress Management Principle #3
Chapter 9. Lesson 4B Medical Relaxation Technique #3
Chapter 10. Lesson 5A Biblical Stress Management Principle #4
Chapter 11. Lesson 5B Medical Relaxation Technique #4
Chapter 12. Lesson 6A Biblical Stress Management Principle #5
Chapter 13. Lesson 6B Medical Relaxation Technique #5
Chapter 14. Lesson 7A Biblical Stress Management Principle #6
Chapter 15. Lesson 8B Medical Relaxation Technique #6
Chapter 16. Lesson 9A Biblical Stress Management Principle #7
Chapter 17. Lesson 9B Medical Relaxation Technique #7

Biblical Principle #1
The first thing that you should do in any stressful situation is to pray since God tells us, Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know. (Jeremiah 33:3) Therefore, pray and you will receive fresh insights which will help you make more constructive decisions.

Pray even if your stressful situation is an emergency or you are the only one praying for yourself or your mistakes have caused it because God is merciful and He will help you out in your hour of need.

As you pray, understand that to receive what you are asking for, you have to believe that you will receive it for His Word urges us to Ask in faith, without doubting, for the person who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind. For let not that person suppose that they will receive anything from the Lord because they are double-minded and unstable in all their ways. (James 1:6-8)

Therefore, if you are asking for healing, you have to believe that God can heal you and see with your mind’s eye the laboratory tests returning as normal, the cancerous mass becoming undetectable and the doctors telling you that you have been cured.

Medical Technique #1
Abdominal Breathing
Abdominal breathing or diaphragmatic breathing or deep breathing is one of the simplest ways to counter act the body’s stress response. It is also effective in the management of stress related headaches, fatigue and panic attacks. 

Abdominal breathing is a very easy relaxation technique as all you have to do is to take a deep breath through your nose until you feel your abdomen rising, hold your breath for a few seconds and then exhale completely until your abdomen falls. Repeat several times and you will begin to feel relaxed.

It is also a discrete relaxation technique since it can be practiced wherever stress strikes whether in the office or in a traffic jam.

Video demonstrating abdominal breathing


1. Schedule a time to pray everyday

2. Write down all the things that are stressing you and pray over each item asking God to direct you and tell you what you should do about each one of them.

3. Take at least 7 deep breaths every time you feel stressed.

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