
Free Christian Spiritual Warfare Prayers

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The following is a list of the Christian spiritual warfare prayer articles I have written.


Before you embark on your Christian spiritual war, you have to ensure that you have put on your spiritual armor because a soldier does not go to the battlefield without their fighting uniform. This spiritual armor that God has given us (Ephesians 6:14-17) includes:
Therefore, in addition to saying the following prayers, ensure that you are:
saved (all you have to do to get saved is to say with your mouth that "Jesus is the Son of God" and believe in your heart that when He died on the cross for our sins God raised Him back to life and you will be saved. {Romans 10:9}) 

  • living right in the sight of God
  • being truthful in word and deed
  • reading your Bible
  • deciding to believe God and His Word and thereby strengthening your faith
  • speaking the Word of God to fight spiritually since it is the Sword of the Spirit (Ephesians 6:17)