
What Does the Bible Say About Marriage?

What Does the Bible Say About Marriage?

The top 5 Scriptures that can best help you answer the question “What does the Bible say about marriage?” are:

1. A man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife and the two of them shall become one flesh. (Adapted Ephesians 5:31) 
Therefore, once a couple gets married, they should ensure that they are more tightly joined to each other than to their in-laws, exes and coworkers and all other friends. 

They should also make sure that they maintain tight physical, mental and emotional bonds between each other as this will reduce the incidences of marital conflicts that arise out of mistrust. Their tight bonds will also help them better resolve whatever other problems may arise in their marriage. 

For those problems that a couple cannot resolve on their own, they should seek the advice of a neutral professional who can give them an unbiased opinion. This can be a marriage therapist, Christian marriage counselor or their Pastor.

2. Marriage is an honorable thing and the marriage bed should not be defiled. (Adapted Hebrews 13:4) 
Therefore, once a couple gets married, they each should do their best to maintain purity in their relationship by reminding themselves that they entered into an honorable contract in the presence of God.

3. God says that He hates divorce. (Adapted Malachi 2:16)
Therefore, a couple should ensure that they do all that they can to resolve their conflicts so that the conflicts do not divide them until they divorce.

4. Wives are to submit to their husband. (Adapted Ephesians 5:22)
Therefore, wives should do their best to submit to their husband’s direction as the head of their home.  

5. Husbands are to love their wives just as Christ loves the church (Adapted Ephesians 5:25) 
Therefore, husbands are to demonstrate their love for their wives in words and deed. 

This therefore, leads us to to the question, “What does the Bible say about love?” The answer to this question which is found in 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 is that:
  • love suffers long which means that true love is patient
  • love is kind
  • love does not envy
  • love does not parade itself
  • love is not puffed up or conceited
  • love does not behave rudely as it respects the object of its affection
  • love does not seek its own as it seeks the good of all concerned parties 
  • love is not provoked
  • love thinks no evil
  • love does not rejoice in iniquity as it wants to do the right thing in the sight of God
  • love rejoices in the truth
  • love bears all things
  • love believes all things
  • love hopes all things
  • love endures all things as it perseveres through the hard times in the marriage.
Fight for marriage

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