
Christian Emotional Healing

Christian Emotional Healing teaches you how to heal your emotional wounds using principles from the Bible and examples of people who were in emotionally painful situations like Joseph.
Christian Emotional Healing teaches you how to heal your emotional wounds using principles from the Bible and examples of people who were in emotionally painful situations like Joseph.

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Christian Emotional Healing Book Excerpt

Joseph must have sustained some major emotional wounds that could not be seen physically or accessed by physical medications when his brothers sold him into slavery at the tender age of 17.

These wounds probably deepened when he was imprisoned after the wife of his Egyptian master Potiphar falsely accused him of attempted rape. (Genesis 39)

However, despite 13 years of severe suffering first as a slave and then as an imprisoned slave due to his brothers’ jealousy and Mrs. Potiphar’s lust laden lies, we know that Joseph’s emotional wounds had healed pretty well.

We can detect his healing from the fact that when he was summoned to interpret Pharaoh’s dream, his words were not tainted with symptoms of emotional pain like anger, anxiety, shame, guilt, confusion and hopelessness.

Joseph can therefore teach us the following principles of Christian Emotional Healing:

1. Commit to Being Faithful to God

We know that Joseph was committed to remaining faithful to God because when Potiphar’s wife tempted him to commit adultery, his response was, “How can I commit this great wickedness and sin against God?”  (Genesis 39:9)

Joseph was not worried about his master Potiphar finding out about his activities with his wife. His main concern was God finding out which shows that he was committed to remaining faithful to God despite his brothers having sold him into slavery.

In addition, after Joseph was falsely accused and thrown into jail he found the Pharaoh’s imprisoned baker and butler disturbed by their dreams and he said to them, “Dream interpretations come from God.” (Genesis 39:8)

This shows that he was still committed to God because he was praising Him giving Him credit for his gift of dream interpretation.

Therefore, commit your life to Jesus by deciding to turn away from your sins and saying, “Jesus is Lord” and then believing in your heart that God raised Him from the dead when He died for our sins and you will be saved. (Romans 10:9)

If you have already committed your life to Jesus, commit to remaining faithful to Him regardless of how many problems you may be experiencing.

In addition, commit to praying and reading your Bible every day. Commit also to obeying God’s commandments the way Joseph was committed to obeying the 7th commandment which says, Thou shall not commit adultery.  (Exodus 20:14)

Even if you have “valid excuses” for breaking God’s laws, do not break them. Joseph could have justified breaking the 7th commandment by saying, “Here I am a lonely slave in this foreign land and Mrs. Potiphar and I are both willing and so we won’t be hurting anyone if we commit adultery just once. In addition, she is also technically my boss so I will just be obeying my employer.”

However, instead of choosing to sin against God, he chose to maintain his spiritual health and do only what was right in the sight of God. Therefore, do not look for reasons to justify disobeying God’s Word.

Commit to doing the right thing in the sight of God because adding sin to an emotional wound is like contaminating a physical wound with bacteria which will worsen it.

Therefore, do not sin against God and add spiritual bacteria to your emotional wounds.

Christian Emotional Healing teaches you how to heal your emotional wounds using principles from the Bible and examples of people who were in emotionally painful situations like Joseph.

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