
Joseph's Stress Management Tips 3

Joseph's Stress Management Tips 3 is part of our Bible Stress Management Tips

The third stress management tip that Joseph can teach us is that we should rely on God and not people to help us solve our problems.

We can see that when Joseph interpreted the butler's dream while they imprisoned together, he told him, "Please remember me and tell Pharaoh about me so that I can get out of this place. For I was stolen from my people and I have done nothing to deserve being jailed." (Genesis 40:14-15)

However, after Pharaoh's chief butler was released and reinstated into his position as per Joseph's interpretation of his dream, he forgot about Joseph. (Genesis 40:23)

It was only 2 years later when Pharaoh dreamt a dream that his wise men and magicians could not interpret that the butler remembered Joseph's dream interpretation skills. (Genesis 41:1-14) 
My help comes from the Lord who made heaven and earth Psalm 121:2

Therefore to avoid being frustrated by people when you are helping you solve the problems in your stressful situation, look up to God to provide you with the solution Himself. 

If people are already helping you, accept their help graciously and thank them. 

But, ensure that you also thank God for their help so that even if they stop helping you, you can still Look up to the hills from where your help comes from since your help comes from the Lord who made heaven and earth. (Psalm 121:1-2)  

Looking up to God is the best option since if they stop helping you He can always direct someone or something else to help you the way He directed the widow of Zarephath to feed Elijah after the ravens stopped supplying him with meat and bread twice a day (2 King 4:2-9).   

Click on the link to read Joseph's Stress Management Tips 1
Click on the link to read Joseph's Stress Management Tips 2
Click on the link to read Joseph's Stress Management Tips 3

How to fight discouragement with Bible verses

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