Encouragement in Times of Trouble

End of year encouragement

If you have been wallowing in trouble from January and it is now December but your problems are still not over, take heart. 

Take heart because We also glory in trouble because
trouble produces perseverance
perseverance produces character
character produces hope 
and hope does not disappoint.
(Romans 4:3-5)
We also glory in trouble because trouble produces perseverance perseverance produces character character produces hope  and hope does not disappoint. (Romans 4:3-5)
Trouble Builds Perseverance
Instead of hating your troubles, learn to see them as tough teachers because All things work together for the good of those who love God and those who are called according to His purpose. (Romans 8:28) 

This means that something bad like trouble can also work to produce something good in a person's life like perseverance.  

By beginning to view your trouble as teachers, you will be able to bear with the trouble because you know you will learn something from it and in so doing, you build your perseverance. 

All things work together for the good of those who love God Romans 8:28

The perseverance that you develop is is beneficial because it helps you not to give up. It helps you hold on to the Promises of God for your situation. 

For example, during your season of troubles you can decide to cling onto Weeping may endure for a night but joy cometh in the morning (Psalm 30:5) as you wait for your trouble-free season. 
Weeping may endure for a night but joy cometh in the morning Psalm 30:5

Perseverance Builds Character
A person's character is composed of how they think and how they behave. 

Perseverance which enables you to bear your troubles patiently, strengthens you and helps you think stronger thoughts and behave better in the middle of your troubles.

Just like a piece of coal is transformed into a diamond by the tribulations of heat and pressure, the troubles a person faces make them stronger mentally and behaviorally and transforms them into better persons.

A perfect example of this is the woman who had suffered with the trouble of the bleeding disease for 12 years. We know that she had perseverance because she became broke moving from doctor to doctor seeking a cure for her condition.

We also know that her perseverance had built her character because when she heard about Jesus, she had strong, positive thoughts for the Bible tells us she said to herself, "If only I touch His garments, I shall be made well." (Mark 5:28) 

Her perseverance also made her take strong actions because though she may have been weakened by bleeding for 12 years, she still mustered the strength to press through the crowd until she touched the hem of Jesus' garment and was healed.  

For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he Proverbs 23:7

Character Builds Hope
Once your character is strengthened by the trouble you then develop hope. 

You develop hope because you are no longer easily discouraged or dismayed by problems. 

Once again this woman with the issue of blood is a great example of how a person's character which has been build by persevering problems patient builds hope.

We know that this woman had hope because she still believed that she could be healed despite what the doctors had told her. He hope enabled her to take the chance and push through the crowd until she touched Jesus and then her faith in Jesus enabled her to be healed. 
Hope Does Not Disappoint
Hope does not disappoint because in addition to other things, it enables a person to look right through the troubles surrounding them and decide to believe God and His Word which promises them a better future.

Therefore regardless of the problems you are facing as the year ends, do not give up. 

Ask God to give you the grace to bear with them patiently as you cling to the Promises of God pertaining to your situation so that you develop perseverance as your character is built up and your hope in God is strengthened.

Encouragement in times of trouble

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