
How to Connect with God

How to connect with God

Are you wondering "Where is God?"

Are you looking for a place where you can connect with God?

Are you yearning to meet with God even though you are in the middle of a spiritual or physical wilderness? 

If you are, understand that God can meet you right where you are even if it is in the middle of a wilderness.

We can see an example of this from Jacob as he journeyed from his parent's home to look for a wife because God connected with him in the middle of nowhere.

That place did not even have a name before Jacob named it Bethel for the Bible tells us that, He came to a CERTAIN PLACE and spent the night there because the sun had set. (Genesis 28:11)

However, even though he was sleeping in the middle of nowhere, that night in his dreams he saw a ladder rising from the earth and reaching into heaven. He also saw God's angels ascending and descending on that ladder and God standing above the ladder.

Jacob even heard God promise to give him that land and numerous descendants. God then concluded by assuring him, "I am with you and I will keep you wherever you go." (Genesis 28:15)
I will not leave you nor forsake you Joshua 1:5

When Jacob woke from his sleep he said, "Surely God is here and I did not know... How awesome is this place! It is the house of God and the gate of heaven!

He then set the stone he had used as his pillow to be a pillar and poured oil on it. He also named the place Bethel which means House of God. (Genesis 28:10-17) 

Therefore understand that God can meet you right where you are and create a channel for Him to supply all your needs even if you are in the middle of nowhere by doing the following:  

1. Create an Altar for God where you Live

How to set up a family altar in your home

2. Draw Near to God
Draw near to God and He will draw near to you (James 4:8) by creating time to spend reading His Word, praying and waiting on Him because He also promises us that, "You will seek me and find me if you seek Me with your whole heart. (Jeremiah 29:13) 

Click on the link to read How to Draw Near to God.

How to pray effectively

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