
How to Receive the Humanly Impossible

How to receive the humanly impossible from God

Do you need something you have been told you will never get?

Do you want something that seems humanly impossible to get?

If you do, learn from Abraham how to receive from God what is humanly impossible because he received his son Isaac at a time when it was considered humanly impossible for him and his wife to get a biological child. 

This was due to the fact that when God told him that he would have descendants who were as numerous as the stars in the sky (Genesis 15:5), Abraham was around 100 years old. Though men can still sire children in old age, their chances are reduced when compared to younger men.

His wife Sarah was around 90 years old at that time and her chances of conceiving a baby were almost negligible since she had passed menopause and she had even been unable to bear children in her youth.

So how did Abraham and Sarah receive Isaac in a situation that could be described as humanly impossible?

The Bible tells us that Abraham Not being weak in faith, did not consider his own body already dead since he was around 100 years old or Sarah's barren womb. 

He did not waver at the promise of God through unbelief, but he was strengthened in faith and praised God while being fully convinced that what God had promised He was also able to perform. (Romans 4:19-22)

Therefore if you want to receive something from God that is humanly impossible in your current circumstances, follow these Abrahamic steps: 

1. Ignore the Human Facts
Abraham did not consider his own body as dead or Sarah's womb as barren(Romans 4:19)

Therefore regardless of the humanly impossible situation, you are dealing with, stop taking into consideration the human facts since they cannot help you anyway.

2. Consider the Promises of God
Abraham did not waver at the promise of God through unbelief(Romans 4:20) 

Therefore regardless of your humanly impossible situation, decide to believe the promises of God for your situation.

3. Strengthen your Faith
Abraham was strengthened in faith(Romans 4:20)  

Abraham was fully convinced that what God had promised He was also able to perform. (Romans 4:21)

Therefore regardless of your humanly impossible situation, strengthen your faith by listening to the Word of God since Faith comes by hearing and hearing the Word of God. (Romans 10:17)

As you listen to the preaching of God's Word or as you read stories in the Bible like this one of Abraham, decide to believe that what God did for those people, He can also do for you since God is not a respector of persons. (Acts 10:34)

Strengthen your faith by listening and reading until you are 100% convinced that what God has promised you in His Word, He is also able to perform for you.   

How to increase your faith

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