
When Shall It Be Given Back To Me?

When Shall It Be Given Back To Me?

Have you been giving and wondering when it will be given back to you?

If you have, I would like to tell you that God knows when to give back to you.

A perfect example of this is the night King Ahaseurus could not sleep. Books were brought to be read to him and they read the passage where it was written that Mordecai had saved the king's life by revealing a plot to harm the king.

The king asked how Mordechai had been rewarded and he was told he had not been rewarded.

The king then asked, who was in the court and Haman had JUST entered the court to ask the king for MordechaI to be hanged in the gallows he had built. (Esther 6:4)

Haman wanted Mordechai to be hanged because he would not bow down to him. The King then ordered Haman to parade Mordechai in the city square saying, "This is what shall be done for the person whom the king wants to honor!(Esther 6:9)

As a result God orchestrated the events that rewarded Mordechai for doing the good action of saving the king's life the day he really, really need it.

Therefore, continue to Give and it shall be given back to you, a good measure, pressed down, shaken together and overflowing (Luke 6:38) in the exact moment that God knows you really need it to be given back to you.
Give and it shall be given back to you, a good measure, pressed down, shaken together and overflowing (Luke 6:38)
In addition, Haman had already tricked the king into signing a decree that would kill all the other Jews in one day. 

And, this night that the king could not sleep was the night after the first banquet that his wife Esther, who was a secret Jew and Mordechai's niece, had prepared for him and Haman. 

During that first banquet Esther had requested the king  and Haman to attend another banquet the next night when she revealed to the king Haman's plot to destroy her people. 

Thus you can see God by orchestrating King Ahaseurus' insomnia and the reading of Mordechai's good deeds in between these two banquets primed him to be partial to the cause of the Jews.

Therefore, continue doing good and Do not grow weary in doing good because in due season you shall reap (Galatians 6:9) at the exact moment that God knows you really need to reap.

Do not grow weary in doing good because in due season you shall reap (Galatians 6:9)

When Shall It Be Given Back To Me?

Yes, God can do it!

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