
Exodus Bible Study: Lessons from Wandering in the Wilderness

Exodus Bible Study: Lessons from Wandering in the Wilderness

Lessons from Wandering in the Wilderness is an Exodus Bible Study which takes us through the Israelite's journey in the wilderness. 

The aim of this Exodus Bible Study is to help us identify the mistakes that kept them wandering in the wilderness for 40 years (14,600 days) when they could have made the journey from their place of bondage in Egypt to their Promised Land in Canaan in just 11 days and spent the other 14,589 days enjoying their milk and honey.  

Wilderness of Shur
When the Israelites crossed the Red Sea, they went to the Wilderness of Shur (Exodus 15:22) where they experienced water shortage. 

When the Israelites arrived in Marah, they found that they could not drink her water because it was bitter. (Exodus 15:23)

Mistake #1 Complaining
The Israelites complained against Moses asking, "What shall we drink?" and he cried out to God who showed him a tree that he threw into the waters and sweetened them. (Exodus 15:24-25) 

Why thou shall not complain

When the Israelites arrived in Elim they found 12 wells of water and 70 palm tress. (Exodus 15:27)

Ask God for your Elim

Wilderness of Sin
When the Israelites left Elim, they went to the Wilderness of Sin where they faced food shortage. (Exodus 16:1)

Mistake #1 Complaining

The Israelites complained against Moses because they did not have food. (Exodus 16:2-3)

Mistake #2 Disobedience
In addition to complaining, the Israelites were also disobedient when God begun providing them with Manna from heaven to eat. 

Moses instructed them not to leave any of it until the next morning but some of them did not listen to him and they kept it overnight and it bred worms and produced a foul smell. (Exodus 16:20)

When  the 6th day of the week arrived, Moses told them, "This is what God has said: 'Tomorrow is a holy Sabbath, a Sabbath rest, so bake and boil the Manna and keep it until tomorrow.'(Exodus 16:23)

They kept the Manna overnight on the 6th day and it did not breed worms or stink on the Sabbath. Moses told them to eat it for the Sabbath since they would not find any Manna in the field on the Sabbath but some Israelites still went out to the fields on the Sabbath to look for Manna. 

This made God ask, "For how long will you refuse to keep My commandments and laws?(Exodus 16:28)
To obey God is better than to offer Him a sacrifice 1 Samuel 15:22

When the Israelites left the Wilderness of Sin, they went to Rephidim where they also faced water shortage. (Exodus 17)

Mistake #1 Complaining

They complained against Moses asking, “Why have you brought us out of Egypt to kill us with our children and livestock with thirst?” (Exodus 17:3)

It is amazing that the Israelites complained because they lacked water to drink yet they had seen how God had resolved their water problem in the past by providing them with abundant water in Elim.

To avoid making this same mistake, always make it a point to remind yourself of God’s past blessings and you will be likely to fall into the trap of complaining when you encounter difficulties in your present.

Mistake #2 Tempting God

When the Israelites contended with Moses asking for water to drink and he replied by asking them, “Why do you contend with me? Why do you tempt God?” (Exodus 17:2)
The Bible also tells us that they tempted God by asking, “Is God among us or not?” (Exodus 17:7)

Understand that facing problems in life does not mean that God  is not with you. Therefore, do not speak badly about God when you are facing problems. 

When the Israelites left Rephidim, they went to the Wilderness of Sinai and camped before the mountain. (Exodus 19:2)

Click here to learn what happened in the Wilderness of Sinai

Wilderness of Paran, Taberah, Kibroth Hattavah
When the Israelites left the Wilderness of Sinai they went to the Wilderness of Paran. (Numbers 10:12)

Click here to learn what happened in the Wilderness of Paran, Taberah, Kibroth Hattavah

Wilderness of Hazeroth
When the Israelites left Kibroth Hattaavah, they went to Hazeroth. (Numbers 11:35)

Click here to learn what happened in Hazeroth

Wilderness of Paran 2
After the Israelites left Hazeroth they went to the Wilderness of Paran. (Numbers 12:16)

Click here to learn what happened in the Wilderness of Paran 2

Between Paran 2 and Kadesh
God told Moses, "Tomorrow turn and move into the wilderness through the Way of the Red Sea." (Numbers 14:25)

Click here to learn what happened between Paran 2 and Kadesh

Kadesh in the Wilderness of Zin
The Israelites arrived in the Wilderness of Zin in the first month and stayed at Kadesh. (Numbers 20:1)

Click here to learn what happened in Kadesh in the Wilderness of Zin.

The king of Arad heard that the Israelites were coming to Atharim ... so that place was called Atharim. (Numbers 21:1-3)

Click here to learn what happened in Hormah.

Between Mount Hor and Oboth
The Israelites left Mount Hor along the Red Sea (Numbers 21:4) 

Click here to learn what happened between Mount Hor and Oboth.

The Israelites left Oboth and went to Ije Abarim ... then they camped in the Valley of Zered ... then they camped in Arnon ... then the went to Beer.  (Numbers 21:11-16) 

Click here to learn what happened in Beer.

Pisgah and Bashan
The Israelites went to Mattanah, then they went to Nahaliel, then they went to Bamoth and then they went to the top of Pisgah (Numbers 21:19-20) 

Click here to learn what happened in Pisgah and Bashan.

Moab Plains
Then the Israelites moved and camped in the Moab plains across the side of River Jordan that was across from Jericho. (Numbers 22:1) 

Click here to learn what happened in the Moab Plains

We are not ignorant of his devices

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