
How to Speak the Language of Love to your Spouse

How to Speak the Language of Love to your Spouse

How to speak the language of love is basically a brief synopsis of the book The 5 Love Languages written by Dr. Gary Chapman.

This book says that there are 5 languages of love which include:
1. Quality time e.g. going on weekend getaways with your spouse or having staycations with them to give them your focused attention 

2. Acts of service e.g. cooking your spouse's favorite meals or doing household chores for them

3. Words of affirmation e.g. praising your spouse or sending them "Thank you" cards

4. Receiving gifts e.g. buying your spouse flowers, chocolates or other presents

5. Physical touch e.g. holding your spouse's hands in public or giving them massages at home 

Therefore to help your spouse feel loved, find out whether they feel most treasured and appreciated when you speak language of love number 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 to them.

This is important because a person who feels most loved (cared for and understood) when their spouse takes out the trash without being asked, will never feel truly loved no matter how many bouquets of red roses they are given.  
How to speak the language of love to your spouse

To find out the love language of your spouse, dedicate a week to speaking to them in each of the 5 languages and see which gets the best response. 

For example, you can:
Dedicate week 1 to spending quality time with them.
Dedicate week 2 to serving them with love
Dedicate week 3 to speaking words of affirmation to them
Dedicate week 4 to sending them gifts
Dedicate week 5 touching them physically

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