
5 Ways to Increase your Christian Faith with Pinterest

5 Ways to Increae your Christian Faith with Pinterest
The following are the 5 ways you can use Pinterest to increase your Christian Faith:

1. Maintain a Blessings Board
A Blessings Board is board where you pin images of the things God has blessed you with so that you can maintain an attitude of gratitude. To learn why you should record your blessings, read The Importance of Keeping a Book of Blessings.

If you want to keep your Pinterest Blessings Board a secret, simply click on "YES" in the "SECRET" tab when you are creating your board as shown in the image below.

How to make a Pinterest secret board

2. Follow Bible Verse Quotes Boards

Encourage one another and edify each other (1 Thessalonians 5:11) 

Follow Pinterest boards with encouraging Bible verses so that you can receive encouragement and edification for your Christian walk in your Pinterest feed. 

For example here is a great pin to encourage you regardless of what you are going through.

The following are some Bible Verse Quote Boards that you might consider following:

3. Follow Prayer Boards

Pray without ceasing. (1 Thessalonians 5:17)

Following Boards with prayers is a wonderful way of praying even when you are having fun pinning. For the best results, I recommend that you maintain a Prayer Board of your own and ensure that you always read and say the prayers before you pin them on your own board.   

For example here is a pin of a powerful prayer.

The following are some Prayer Boards that you might consider following:
Pray without ceasing. 1 Thessalonians 5:17

4. Follow Christian Teaching Boards

All scripture is given by inspiration from God and it is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction and for instruction in righteousness. (2 Timothy 3:16)

When you follow boards with Christian teaching you receive teaching, warning, correction and guidance from the word of God even as you are having fun pinning. 

For example here is a potent pin on Christian teaching.

The following are some Christian Life Boards you might consider following:

5. Start your own Christian Life Board
Go ye therefore and teach. (Matthew 28:19) 

Starting your own Christian Life Board where you pin pins related to the Christian faith will strengthen your faith as it builds the faith of your followers.

If you are wondering what you should pin in you Christian Life Board, I suggest you read this awesome article which teaches how to Go ye using Pinterest.   

6. Maintain a Vision Board
Write down the vision and make it plain on tablets so that the persons who reads it may run. (Habakkuk 2:2)

You can paraphrase this Bible verse to help you achieve your goals in the following way: "Pin the vision and make it plain on Pinterest so that you may run towards it when you see it" (Adapted Habakkuk 2:2)

Therefore set up a Vision Board where you pin the vision that God has given you for your future as well as your dreams and aspirations. Make it a point to look at your Vision Board every day so that you can align your thoughts and actions with your dreams. 

Here is a Vision Board to inspire you:

Have I left out any Christian Board that you love? How do you use Pinterest to grow your faith? Let me know in the comments. 

How to increase your faith

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