
Step 10 Free Christian Addiction Treatment Program

Step 10 Free Christian Addiction Treatment Program

Step 10
Guard Your Heart
Guard your heart diligently for the issues of life flow from it. (Proverbs 4:23)

Put on the breastplate of righteousness. (Ephesians 6)

Therefore if you want good issues to flow from your heart into the rest of your life, you have to guard your heart and ensure that bad things do not enter it.

To guard your heart and stop bad things from entering, ensure that you wear the breastplate of righteousness by doing the right thing in the sight of God all the time.

Protect all the entry points into your heart and life with righteousness by doing the following:
a. Only looking at things that are right in the sight of God (eyes)

b. Only listening to things that are right in the sight of God (ears)

c. Only consuming and saying things that are right in the sight of God (mouth)

d. Only touching things that are right in the sight of God (hands)

e. Only thinking things that are right in the sight of God (mind)

Guard your heart diligently for the issues of life flow from it Proverbs 4:23

Put on the breastplate of righteousness Ephesians 6

In addition to stopping bad things from entering your heart and life, understand that you also have to feed your heart and life with good things that are not related to the addictive behavior so that you will be in a better position to overcome it since God is not mocked for whatever a person sows they shall.

To sow good things into your heart and life do the following:
a. Schedule time to look at things that are right in the sight of God (eyes) e.g. reading your Bible.

b. Schedule time to listen to things that are right in the sight of God (ears) e.g. listening to Christian preachers and motivational speakers.

c. Schedule time to consume and say things that are right in the sight of God (mouth) e.g. eating healthy foods like fruits and vegetables and speaking Christian affirmations over yourself.

d. Schedule time to touch things that are right in the sight of God (hands) e.g. engaging in hobbies that are not related to the addictive behavior like gardening and exercising.

e. Schedule time to think things that are right in the sight of God (mind) e.g. meditating on the Word of God. 
God is not mocked. For whatsoever a person sows they shall reap. Galatians 6:7


Set Up Your Reward System
Set up your reward system by deciding how and when you will reward yourself for not engaging in the addictive behavior. For example, you can decide that:
If you do not engage in the addictive behavior for 1 day you will spend $1.00 on yourself.

If you do not engage in the addictive behavior for 1 week you will spend $10.00 on yourself.

If you do not engage in the addictive behavior for 1 month you will splurge $100.00 on yourself.

If you do not engage in the addictive behavior for 1 year you will splurge $1000.00 on yourself.

Write down your reward system and hang it on a place where you can see it every day.

Combine writing down your reward system with preparing your reward. 

For example, if you decide to reward yourself with money you can begin saving in a special bank account or in a piggy bank in your home.

In addition, reduce the number of times you engage in the addictive behavior by 3/4. For example, if you used to engage in it 12 times a week at the beginning of this program, begin engaging in it 3 times a week from now on.

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