
Step 12 Free Christian Addiction Treatment Program

Free Christian Addiction Treatment Program step 12

Step 12
Examine Yourself
Let each person examine their own work so that they will rejoice in themselves alone and not in another for each person shall bear their own load. (Galatians 6:4-5)

Let us examine ourselves and return to the Lord. (Lamentations 3:40)

Therefore examine yourself each evening and confess any sins you committed that day to God.

In addition, write down the names of the people you wronged and what you did to them when you were engaging in the addictive behavior.

For example the wrong actions you did may have included stealing money from others to feed the addiction or even stealing time from your boss as you surfed the websites you were addicted to during work hours.
Let each person examine their own work so that they will rejoice in themselves alone and not in another for each person shall bear their own load. (Galatians 6:4-5)

Let us examine ourselves and return to the Lord. (Lamentations 3:40)


Free Bible Based Addiction Recovery Program step 12 How to deal with cravings

How to Deal with Cravings
It is important to learn how to deal with cravings before your Quit Date so that when you experience them after you quit you can overcome them effectively.
To deal with cravings successfully you have to:
1. Remind yourself they last for 5 minutes
Remind yourself that most cravings last for 5 minutes and thus it is better to deal with the discomfort of waiting them out for 5 minutes rather than struggle with the addiction for the rest of your life.
2. Develop 5 minute strategies
Develop distraction strategies that last for 5 minutes that can use to keep yourself busy until the cravings pass. These can include:
a. Spiritual Distractions
Praying for God to help you then confessing Bible verses like No temptation has overtaken me except those which are common to man. But God is faithful and He will not allow me to be tempted beyond what I am able to bear because with each temptation there will also be a way of escape so that I may be able to bear it. (Adapted 1 Corinthians 10:13)
b. Mental Distractions
Remind yourself of your reasons for wanting to stop in engaging in the addictive behavior by reading your list and then encourage yourself by meditating on Bible verses like In all these things I am more than a conqueror through Jesus Christ Who loves me. (Romans 8:37) 
c. Physical Distractions
Do something you enjoy that is not related to the addictive behavior. For example you read a book you really love or play a video game or exercise or chewing gum.
For the best results create your own combination of spiritual, mental and physical distractions to deal with the cravings. For example you can pray, meditate on a Bible verse and then do 20 sit-ups.
In addition, before your Quit Date spend some time Practicing Guided Imagery by visualizing yourself in a situation where you are craving to engage in the addictive behavior and then visualize yourself overcoming the craving successfully.

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