
Step 4 Free Christian Addiction Treatment Program

Step 4 Free Christian Addiction Treatment Program

Step 4
Read Your Bible Everyday
Lay aside all filthiness and wickedness and receive with meekness the implanted word which is able to save your souls. (James 1:21)

Be doers of the word and do not deceive yourselves by being hearers only. (James 1:22)

The person who is not a forgetful hearer but a doer of the word will be blessed in what they do. (James 1:25)

Therefore commit to reading your Bible every day and doing what it says until you break free from this addiction and continue doing it until you remain free for the rest of your life.

For example you begin in Matthew chapter 1 and read around a chapter each morning until you finish the New Testament before starting the Old Testament.

Be doers of the word and do not deceive yourselves by being just hearers James 1:22

Who Do I Engage In The Addictive Behavior With?
Restructure your life to make it harder for yourself to engage in the addictive behavior by using your past experiences and those you have recorded in your Stop Smoking Diary to answer the question “Who do I engage in the addictive behavior with?

Write down their names and inform them of your decision to stop engaging in the addictive behavior and stop spending time with them since Bad company corrupts good morals. (1 Corinthians 15:33)

Make an effort to replace them with new friends who do not engage in the addictive behavior or find other constructive things you can do by yourself like exercising or reading self-help books during the time you usually spend with those friends engaging in the addictive behavior.  

If you engage in the addictive behavior when you are alone, find other things that you can do by yourself or with others during those times.

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