
Take It To Jesus

Take it to Jesus

Do you have a persistent problem that has made you move from specialist to specialist looking for a solution?

If you do, understand that it is time you took the problem directly to Jesus.

We can see this from the woman who suffered with a bleeding disease for 12 years because after she spent all her money moving from specialist to specialist seeking a cure, she decided to take it to Jesus and she was healed. (Mark 5:25-35)

She took her problem directly to Jesus instead of looking for another specialist and her problem was solved. Therefore emulate her and take your problem to Jesus today.
We do not have a High Priest Who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses because He was temped just as we are and yet He was without sin. Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace so that we may obtain mercy and grace to help us in our time of need. Hebrew 4:15-16

Or do you have a persistent problem that has made you move from preacher to preacher looking for help?

If you do, understand that it is time you took the problem directly to Jesus instead of looking for another preacher.

We can see this from the man who cried out to Him saying, "Teacher, I beg You please look on my son because he is my only child for a spirit seizes him and convulses him ... I asked Your disciples to cast it out but they could not." ... Jesus rebuked the unclean spirit and healed the child. (Luke 9:37-42)

He took his problem to Jesus instead of looking for another follower of Jesus to help him and his problem was solved. Therefore emulate him and take your problem to Jesus today.
How to fight discouragement with Bible verses

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