
Why God Why? So That You Can Know My Power.

Why God Why? So that you can know God's power

If the events unfolding in your life have left you asking God, "Why God Why?!!" understand that He may have permitted them to display His power.

We can see a good example of this when the Israelites found themselves trapped between the Red Sea and Pharaoh's army because They were very afraid and they cried out to God. (Exodus 14:10)  

They then turned to Moses and asked him, Were there no graves in Egypt that you have brought us here to die in the wilderness? (Exodus 14:11)

Some of them may have even asked in their hearts "Why God Why?!!". "Why did you bring us out of Egypt only to let Pharaoh catch up with us right here in front of the Red Sea when we do not have boats to cross it?"

My thoughts are not your thoughts and your ways are not My ways says the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than yours and My thoughts above your thoughts Isaiah 55:8-9

However, God let the events unfold in this manner so that He could display His mighty power for He said to Moses, "I will harden the hearts of the Egyptians and they shall follow the Israelites so that I will gain honor over Pharaoh and his army. Then the Egyptians shall know that I am the Lord.(Exodus 14:17-18)

God did indeed gain honor over Pharoah and his army when He drowned them in the middle of the Red Sea as they tried to follow the Israelites. 

Therefore understand that God does His things differently from how we would expect Him to do them. 

Consequently, one answer to the question "Why God Why?" is "So that you can know God's power" when He delivers you from that humanly impossible situation that is troubling your mind.
Go forward (Exodus 14:15)

In addition when you find yourself in a similar situation where you are trapped by problems on all sides and you are asking, "Why God Why?"  understand that you have to continue doing what God already told you to do if He has not given you different directions. 

We can see in the case of the Israelites He told Moses, "Tell the Israelites to go forward but lift up your rod over the Red Sea and divide it." (Exodus 14:15)

Therefore do not think of changing course or retreating just because you have encountered problems. Pray and wait for His directions while keeping your mind focused on where He told you to go even if there is a big, Red Sea of problems between you and your destination.

This blog post has been shared at some of these Christian Link Parties.

How to increase your faith


  1. Some days are exactly like the Why God Why, and then he is always faithful and eventually, the answer comes. Great posting reminder, and thanks for linking up at Sunday Scripture Blessings so I could come visit. :)

    Peabea@Peabea Scribbles

    1. Yes, it is true that some days are very hard but if we cling onto God, the answer eventually comes and we see how God has used that hardness for good. Thank you for visiting and commenting.

  2. We have lived out many instances where we cried this out, as I am sure everyone has at some point. He does show us in hinds sight that He was always there and had a plan. It is hard when going through it but so worth it to trust in Him. I say this but it is always easier telling someone else than doing it in my own life. Ahhh!! :) God bless, your neighbor today at Crystal's ~

    1. Thank you so much for sharing your insight and I do agree that it is much easier when we decide to trust Him regardless of the outcome.

  3. This is exactly what Paul said when he struggled with his 'thorn in the flesh' And God answered... 'power is perfected in weakness' if we really want to know God power, then we need to embrace our weakness and limitation and for there is where God shows Himself to be the strongest! Thanks!

    1. Awesome! Yes, "if we really want to know God power, then we need to embrace our weakness and limitation" and turn it over to Him.

  4. It always goes back to Him, doesn't it? So glad this life is about more than just me, that there is someone up there directing it for His glory. Thanks for sharing, Miriam. :) ((hug))

    1. Thank you so much and it is truly "liberating" to know that everything we go through is not all about me because God is in control even when we don't know what to do.

  5. such a simple reminder but somehow, I always need the reminding! wait and pray and see how God does things differently than I could ever expect. thank you. (:

    1. Yes we have to constantly remind ourselves to trust and pray and wait for God.

  6. I have asked this question so many times. Every once in awhile I'll get answer, but it's usually while standing on the other side praising Him for all that He has accomplished. :)

    Thanks for linking up today at #quietlythroughthursday.

    1. Yes, God is God and He does things in ways that are above our understanding and so we often do not understand His timing. However, since we walk by faith and not by sight, we can praise Him even when we don't understanding. Thank you for stopping by.
