
Step 18 Free Christian Addiction Treatment Program

Step 18 Free Christian Addiction Treatment Program

Step 18
Make Amends
If you are about to offer your gift to God at the altar and you remember that a person has something against you, leave your gift in front of the altar and go to make peace with that person and then come back and offer your gift to God. (Matthew 5:23-24)

Therefore find ways to make peace with the people you wronged when you were engaging in the addictive behavior.

As you do this keep in mind that when compensating people for the harm you have caused them is best to give them four times what they have lost through your actions. We can see this from Zacchaeus who told Jesus, If I have taken anything from anyone by false accusation, I will restore it to them fourfold. (Luke 19:8)
King David also declared that the rich man who had slaughtered the poor man's lamb for his guest should also Restore fourfold for the ewe lamb. (2 Samuel 12:6)
Therefore if you have stole $1000 to enable your addiction, make an effort to pay back $4000. 
If the wrong that you did not involve money, estimate the monetary value of the harm you caused the way a Judge in a Court of law would calculate a pain and suffering settlement. As you do so, ask God's Holy Spirit to guide you in this matter. 
If the person you harmed with your words or deeds has died or moved or if trying to contact them to right the wrong would cause them more harm, do the good deed to someone dealing with an addiction. For example you can decide to give the money to an organization which helps people fight addiction a little money each month until you clear the “debt”.
Online Christian Counseling


Free Bible based addiction treatment program Step 18 Day 3 post quitting

Day 3 Post Quitting
How are you doing today?

Are you dealing with temptations? If you are go back and read How to Deal with Temptation

Are you dealing with cravings? If you are go back and read How to Deal with Cravings

Are you dealing with withdrawal symptoms? If you are go back and read How to Deal with Withdrawal

Are you dealing with a relapse? If you are go back and read How to Deal with Relapses

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