
Bible Sermons: A New Christmas Message

Bible Sermons: A New Christmas Message

Mary experienced a lot of problems around the birth of her baby Jesus. 

The first was that her relationship with Joseph was threatened because She found she was pregnant before they were married and Joseph being a just man who did not want to make her a public example, thought of ending their relationship. (Matthew 1:18-19)

This problem of Mary teaches us that sometimes when God enables us to conceive “things” inside us like ministries through the power of the Holy Spirit, the way Mary conceived Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit, we may encounter problems in our personal and even professional lives.

This problem also teaches us that we should not abort God’s plans for our lives even when we encounter problems while doing what God wants us to do because God is able to solve all our problems.

We can see this from the fact that there was probably very little that Mary could do to salvage her relationship and convince Joseph to remain with her.

But, God was able to intervene because While Joseph thought about ending their relationship, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and told him, “Joseph do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife because she has conceived by the Holy Spirit.” (Matthew 1:20)

Joseph then did as the angel had commanded him and took Mary to be his wife. (Matthew 1:24)

Therefore when you encounter big problems that you can’t solve as you go about in obedience to God’s call, do not despair. Hand over your problems to God and continue serving Him as you let Him do for you what you cannot do for yourself.
I have cast all my cares upon Him because He cares for me (Adapted 1 Peter 5:7)

Note that the Bible does not tell us that Mary thought of ending her pregnancy because it had brought problems to her relationship so that she could solve this relationship issue. 

Therefore, do not think of terminating your ministry in an attempt to solve the financial, relationship or social problems that may have begun once you started your ministry.

Focus on serving the purposes of God for your generation by fulfilling your life’s purpose and delivering what He has deposited in you as you leave Him to solve the humanly “impossible” problems you are facing.

To read the entire Christian Sermon A New Christmas Message  
Anthology of Christian Bible Sermons by Dr Miriam Kinai

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