
Psalm 3 Devotional

Psalm 3 O Lord many are my enemies and those who rise up against me!

O Lord, many are my enemies and those who rise up against me! Many people speak of me saying, "God will not deliver him."But You O Lord are a shield around me. You are my glory and the One who lifts up my head. (Psalm 3:1-3)
If you are being attacked the north, south, east, west, above and below you and you can relate with David when he said, O Lord, many are my enemies and those who rise up against me! (Psalm 3:1), do not be afraid.

Do not be afraid because you can pray and ask God to encircle you with His protection like David who said, But You O Lord are a shield around me. You are my glory and the One who lifts my head. (Psalm 3:3) 

If your many enemies are encouraging each other to attack you and you can relate with David when he said, Many people speak of me saying, "God will not deliver him (Psalm 3:2) do not be dismayed.

Do not be dismayed because you can pray and ask God to deliver you and exalt you so that you are higher than those who are rising up against you like David who said, You God are my glory and the One who lifts my head. (Psalm 3:3) 

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