
Christian Money Management Principles: Work

Christian Money Management Principles: Work

Working is the ninth Christian money management principle for fighting poverty Biblically.


Jesus taught about the nobleman who gave his servants talents before he went on a journey and told them to “Do business”. (Luke 19:13) 

Upon his return, he asked them to account for their talents and he rewarded the first servant who had made a tenfold profit from his one talent with ten cities. (Luke 19:12-24)

Therefore, identify your talents and use them to “Do business”. (Luke 19:13)
“Do business”. (Luke 19:13)

You can, for example, start a blog and write about some aspect of your life even anonymously. You can then "Do Business" with your blog by:
1. Earning money from advertisements placed on your blog.

2. Making money by training people who want to learn more about your subject.

3. Making videos about your subject and earning from adverts.

4. Making training videos about your subject and selling them.

5. Recording podcasts about your subject and earning from adverts.

6. Making MP4s about your subject and selling them.

7. Making money from speaking engagements when you talk about your subject.

8. Making money from attendees and sponsors of events you host about your subject.

9. Making money from marketing affiliate products that are relevant to your subject.

10. Receiving donations from people who appreciate the free information you offer about your subject.

Christian Personal Finance 2nd Edition teaches 29 Bible principles of money management. It also uses examples from the Bible to teach you:
* Christian financial stress management from people who were dealing with money stress like the Acts 3 beggar and the widow in second Kings.
* Biblical prosperity principles from wealthy men and women of God like Isaac and the Proverbs 31 woman.
* Bible verses to use as spiritual warfare prayers and as Christian finance affirmations and Christian money meditations.

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