
How to Win Battles with Witches and Idol Worshippers

How to Win Battles with Witches and Idol Worshippers

Has the Lord as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as in obeying His voice?

Behold, to obey is better than to sacrifice and to heed is better than the fat of rams.

For rebellion is like the sin of witchcraft and stubbornness is like the sin of idolatry. (1 Samuel 15:22-23)

Thus we can see that if God has told you to do something and you decide to rebel and disobey Him that sin is similar to that of a person practicing witchcraft.

If you decide to stubbornly disobey God despite His repeated attempts telling you to do something, that sin is similar to that of a person practicing idolatry.

Therefore if you are a Christian who has decided to rebel against God in a certain issue despite His frequent reminders, you are no better than a witch who worships idols.

Disobeying God can therefore be one of the reasons that witches and idol worshipers defeat Christians in some spiritual battles because in the spiritual plane they are on the same evil level.
The effective prayer of a righteous person availeth much. (James 5:16)

So if you have been losing spiritual battles with witches and idol worshipers, pray and ask God to show you where you have disobeyed Him so that you can obey Him and get back in right standing with Him because The effective prayer of a righteous person availeth much. (James 5:16)

If the thing that God wants you to do is a hard thing, pray and ask Him to hold your hand and help you do it.

How to fight discouragement with Bible verses

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