
Matthew 14 Bible Study: Have more Faith in God than in your Storm

Matthew 14 Bible Study: Have more faith in God than in your storm
When Jesus told Peter, "Come" and he left the boat walking on the water going towards Him, Peter became afraid when he saw that the wind was boisterous and he began to sink. He then cried out to Jesus saying, "Lord, save me!" Immediately Jesus responded by stretching out His hand, catching him and asking him, "O you of little faith, why did you doubt?" (Matthew 14:29-31)  
Peter was walking on the water when the wind was being boisterous and he stopped walking and started sinking when he saw that it was boisterous.
Peter, as a fisherman knew what the boisterous wind could do to him. Infact, the boisterous wind had reminded him that evening of what it could do to him when it was tossing him and the other disciples in their boat. 

Chances are that as he looked at it when he was outside the boat, his heart sunk within him as he remembered its power and then he himself begun to sink in the water.

Matthew 14 Bible Study: Lessons from walking on water

Therefore if you are suffering from a problem that you understand in great detail, do not let your faith in the problem’s ability to destroy you surpass your faith in God’s ability to save you.
Emulate the woman with the bleeding disease because her faith in Jesus’ ability to heal her was more than her faith in her disease’s ability to kill her. 

We know this because even though she had bled for 12 years and suffered many things from many doctors as they tried to treat her and spent all her money looking for a cure and yet her condition continued to worsen BUT she still said to herself, “If I touch his garment I shall be made whole”. She then touched it, was healed and Jesus said to her, “Your faith has made you well.” (Mark 5:25-34)
So, know that for your faith to make you well you have to keep it above the doubts that may arise because of the things you know your disease can do to you regardless of what the doctors have been telling you. If you are sick and you need to boost your faith, read How to strengthen your faith for healing.
How to strengthen your faith for healing

In addition, if you want your faith to keep you from sinking in your storm, you have to keep it above the doubts that may arise because of the things you know from experience that your storm can do to you. To boost your faith so that you can handle other challenges in life, read How to strengthen your faith.
How to strengthen your faith

This blog post has been adapted from the book Matthew 14 Bible Study: Lessons from Walking on Water.


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