Christian Styled Stock Photos

Christian Styled Stock Photos

Our Christian styled stock photos can be used to brand your faith blog and represent it because they are attractive and unique. 

These styled stock photos come in bundles with styled desktops, styled florals and other images to help you create a cohesive look for your blog or social media accounts. They also contain white space for you to add your text for your headers, banners, ads and other marketing tools.

Our pretty and feminine stock photos can be cropped and cut to be used in the following ways by Christian bloggers, freelancers, and other faith-based creative entrepreneurs:

1. To Create Pinterest Images
Pinterest is a visual search engine that is a great source of traffic for many blogs. To tap into it, optimize our Christian styled stock photos for Pinterest by making them around 800 by 1200. You can crop them to this size and then add your message. You can also customize them by adding overlays with your brand colors. 
How to use Christian styled stock photos

2. To Create Blog Post Images
You can use our styled stock images to create stunning blog images since they are pretty and feminine. They also have white space where you can write your blog headings and create images for your blog posts that encourage click-throughs. 
How to use Christian styled stock photos

3. To Announce Promotions
Create eye-catching banners to announce promotions on your blog, newsletter, and social media channels by writing your text on the white space on the Christian stock images. You can also use them on your sales pages and website popups.
 Christian styled stock photos

4. To Create Social Media Post Images
Social media posts are more likely to be shared if they have images. Therefore use these free Christian styled stock photos to create content that will be liked, shared and retweeted. For starters, you can add overlays with Bible verse quotes to the styled stock photos and create outstanding images for sharing on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Google+. 
Do not despise small beginnings Zechariah 4:10

5. To Create Headers
You can use these Christian styled stock photos to create headers for your faith blog, Facebook page and Twitter profile by customizing them with your brand fonts and colors. 
Christian styled stock photos

6. To Design Ebook Covers
Use these styled stock photos to create unique covers for the ebooks or PDF downloads that you use as lead magnets to increase your email newsletter opt-ins.  
Christian styled stock photos

Our styled stock library which is filled with feminine stock photos can also be used for other commercial as well as non-commercial purposes. To purchase unique styled stock photography images click on the links below:
Bundle 1 Christian Styled Stock Photos

Bundle 2 Christian Styled Stock Photos

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