This blog post is part of the Christian Author Book Tour for We Are Not Ignorant Of His Devices by Dr. Miriam Kinai.
We Are Not Ignorant Of His Devices
Dr. Miriam Kinai
Nonfiction, Christian Living
About The Book:
We Are Not Ignorant of His Devices 2nd Edition (2 Corinthians 2:11) uses examples from the Bible to teach you 20 of the strategies the devil uses to attack God’s people. This Christian spiritual warfare book also shows you how to deal with each of those devices so that you can live a more victorious Christian life.
We Are Not Ignorant Of His Devices Book Excerpt
is one of the devices that the enemy uses to ensnare the people of God.
We can see a good example
of this when Joseph was a slave because Potiphar’s wife Looked longingly at Joseph and she told him, “Sleep with me”. (Genesis
39:7) This woman also used the device of persistence for She spoke to Joseph day after day. (Genesis 39:10)
We can also see another
example of seduction when the Israelites were camped in the Moab plains before
they entered their Promised Land. King Balak of the Moabites hired Balaam to
curse the Israelites but he was unable to curse them for he said, “I have received a command from God to bless
and God has blessed them and I cannot reverse it. (Numbers 23:20)
Balaam also said, God has not seen iniquity in the Israelites
or seen wickedness in them.” (Numbers 23:21) He therefore came up with a
plan to make the Israelites sin by using this device of seduction for the Bible
tells us that It was through the counsel
of Balaam that the Israelites sinned against God in Peor and this caused the
plague. (Numbers 31:16)
This sin that the Israelites
sinned in Peor involved committing harlotry with the Moabite women (Numbers 25:1)
and they were also invited to sacrifice to their gods and bow down to them.
(Numbers 25:2) As a result of their actions, the Israelites aroused God’s anger
and a plague erupted which killed 24,000 of them.
Balaam’s plan of
seduction succeeded since 24,000 Israelites died but God also punished the
Midianites for He told Moses, “Harass
and attack the Midianites because they harassed you with their schemes by
seducing you in Peor.” (Numbers 25:16-18)
How to Deal with Seduction
If you are being attacked with this device of seduction do
the following:
Fear God
The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom (Proverbs 9:10) and
Joseph exhibited this wisdom because when Potiphar’s wife seduced him, he asked
her, “How can I do such a wicked thing
and sin against God?” (Genesis 39:9)
We can see from his
question that Joseph was not concerned about her husband, his master, finding
out because he could have found a way to evade him for as Joseph said, “My master Potiphar does not know what is in
this house for he has committed all that he has to my hand.” (Genesis
39:8) However Joseph knew that God would
know and that is why he asked Potiphar’s wife “How can I do such a wicked thing and sin against God?” (Genesis
Therefore even if you can
evade other humans and get away with doing what you are being seduced to do,
fear God and do your best not to sin against Him.
Look For An Escape
Joseph resisted the
temptation because even though Potiphar’s wife was persistent with her
advances, “Joseph did not heed her and
agree to lie with her or to be with her.” (Genesis 39:10)
To help you resist this
temptation you are being seduced with, remind yourself that God is faithful and He will not allow you
to be tempted more than you can bear because with each temptation, there will
always be a way of escape. (1 Corinthians 10:13)
Therefore look for your
way to escape the seduction and take it like Joseph Who left his garment in the hand of Potiphar’s wife and fled outside. (Genesis
39:13) Though she used the garment against him when he was accused him of
attempted rape, God vindicated Joseph because after he was imprisoned for this
crime, God connected him Pharaoh’s butler and blessed him with the wisdom to
interpret Pharaoh’s dreams which resulted in him being promoted to be the Prime
Minister of Egypt.
If you cannot leave the
scene of seduction physically, leave it mentally by meditating on Bible verses
like the following:
what is evil and cling to what is good (Romans 12:9)
God is faithful and He will not allow you to be tempted
more than you can bear because with each temptation, there will always be a way
of escape. (1 Corinthians 10:13)
We do not have a High Priest Who cannot sympathize with
our weaknesses because He was tempted just as we are and yet He was without
sin. Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace so that we may obtain mercy
and grace to help us in our time of need. (Hebrews 4:15-16)
To learn more on how to resist seduction and 19 other devices that satan uses to attack God's people, read We Are Not Ignorant Of His Devices.
To learn more on how to resist seduction and 19 other devices that satan uses to attack God's people, read We Are Not Ignorant Of His Devices.

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