Strengthen Your Faith Devotional Day 40

Strengthen Your Faith Devotional Day 40

Bible Reading

A large crowd of 5000 men in addition to women and children followed Jesus to a deserted place and He healed those who were sick. When it was evening, Jesus told His disciples to feed the people but they had only five loaves of bread and two fish. Jesus took the bread, blessed it, broke it and gave it to the disciples to give to the crowd. They all ate and were filled and they took up 12 baskets of leftovers. (Matthew 14:13-21)

Therefore believe that God can multiply your food and cause it to be more than enough to feed your family because With God all things are possible. (Matthew 19:26)

In addition know that, God is not a respector of persons (Acts 10:34) which means that what He did for the crowd, He can also do for you if you believe. Therefore believe that He can increase your food and if your faith is wavering read How to Increase your Faith.

How to Increase your Faith


Heavenly Father I ask You in the name of Jesus to help me remember that With God all things are possible (Matthew 19:26) including You multiplying my food so that I eat until I become full. Father God help me believe without wavering that You will miraculously increase my food since All things are possible for the person who believes. (Mark 9:23) 

Bible Verse Meditation

They all ate and were filled. (Matthew 14:20)

You can even modify it and meditate on:

(insert your name) ate and was filled.  

Devotions for Women

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Strengthen Your Faith Devotional is a 52 day daily devotional that helps you increase your faith in God. This Christian devotional is also a Bible study of the miracles in the Bible.

Strengthen your Faith Devotional


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