How To Fight Your Giants

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How to Fight your Giant

Are you facing a giant in your life?

Are you facing a problem so big that you do not know how to surmount it?

For example, has the disease you are suffering from spread so much that you do not know what to do it?

Have your debts increased so much that you feel like they are burying you?


If you are, know that David can teach you how to fight your giant successfully.

Understand also that you can learn from the Israelites how NOT to face the giants you have to fight.

This is because both David and the Israelites faced giants but David defeated his giant while the Israelites were defeated by their giants even before they fought them.

Consequently, David moved on from being a shepherd in the wilderness because after he defeated Goliath, King Saul took him that day, and would not let him go home to his father's house anymore. (1 Samuel 18:2) 

However, the Israelites continued wandering in their wilderness and they did so for 40 years.

So David's wilderness season ended while that of the Israelites continued.

Therefore, know that how you deal with the giants in your life can determine whether you will move to a new season or a new level in your life or whether you will continue wandering in your current season. 

How To Fight Your Giants

1. Turn Away From The People Who Speak Negatively

David turned away from the people who spoke to him negatively because when his brother Eliab asked him whom he had left his few sheep in the wilderness with and told him that he knew about his pride and insolence, David Turned from him. (1 Samuel 17:30)

The Israelites on the other hand also received a negative report when the 10 spies told them that they were not able to fight against those people for they were stronger than them. (Numbers 13:31) However, the Israelites Lifted up their voice and cried and the people wept that night. (Numbers 14:1)

The Israelites also Complained against Moses and Aaron. (Numbers 14:2)

The Israelites also spoke against God and said, "Why has the Lord brought us to this land to fall by the sword?" (Numbers 14:3)

Therefore, when you are facing a giant and you receive a negative report, turn away mentally from the people who are giving it to you. Do not take the negative report to heart as you might convince yourself that you cannot defeat your giant.

Do not also complain or speak against God even if you have been suffering in a wilderness for a while and now you have to face a giant. This could be because God could be using the giant to bring you out of your wilderness the way he used Goliath to bring David out of his wilderness season.

How To Fight Your Giants

2. Do Not Be Discouraged

David was not discouraged because of the size of the giant that he had to fight. This is because he told King Saul, Let no man's heart fail because of him. (1 Samuel 17)

The Israelites on the other hand were discouraged because of their giants and They said to one another, "Let us select a leader and return to Egypt." (Numbers 14:4)

Therefore, when you are facing a giant, do not be discouraged because of the giant's size or strength or any other factor. Believe that you can still win the battle with the giant for it is "Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit, says the Lord. (Zechariah 4:6)

How To Fight Your Giants

3. Remember What God Has Done For You

When David faced his giant Goliath, he remembered what God had done for him for he said, The Lord who delivered me from the paw of the lion and from the paw of the bear, He will deliver me from the hand of this Philistine. (1 Samuel 17:37) 

The Israelites on the other hand forgot how God had delivered them from the hand of Pharaoh in Egypt and at the Red Sea. If they had remembered the 10 plagues that God had struck Egypt with and how He had parted the Red Sea and drowned Pharaoh's army, they would not have been intimidated by the giants in their Promised Land and they would have said, "The Lord who delivered us from Pharaoh and his army, He will deliver us from these giants." 

Therefore when you are facing a giant, remind yourself of how God has helped you in the past and believe that He can still help you in the present. Remind yourself also of all the great things that God did for people in the Bible and believe that He can still do the same for you today.  

If you need help to remind you of what God can do, read your Bible or read With God All Things Are Possible.

How To Fight Your Giants

4. Have GOD-FIDENCE And Be Confident That God Will Help You

When David faced his giant Goliath, he had confidence that God could deliver him from Goliath for he said, The Lord who delivered me from the paw of the lion and from the paw of the bear, He will deliver me from the hand of this Philistine. (1 Samuel 17:37) 

The Israelites on the other hand, did not have confidence that God could deliver them from their giants and that is why they talked of going back to Egypt.

Therefore, when you face a giant, be confident that God can deliver you from the giant. Have GOD-FIDENCE because it will show Him that you have faith in His ability to deliver you.

How To Fight Your Giants

5. Have SELF-CONFIDENCE And A Good Opinion About Yourself

When David faced his giant Goliath, he had a good opinion about himself and he was confident that he could defeat Goliath with God's help for he said to Goliath, This day the Lord will deliver you into my hand and I will strike you and take your head away from you. (1 Samuel 17:46)

The Israelites on the other hand, had a poor opinion about themselves for they said, There we saw the giants; and we were like grasshoppers in our own sight. (Numbers 13:33) They had a very poor opinion about themselves for they saw themselves as grasshoppers, not even as weak human, but as insects!!

Therefore have a good opinion about yourself when facing your giant. Have SELF-CONFIDENCE that with God's help you can defeat your giant and confess Romans 8:37 and Philippians 4:13 by declaring, In all these things I am more than a conqueror for I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. 

How To Fight Your Giants

6. Believe The Giant Can Be Defeated

When David faced Goliath he believed that Goliath could be defeated for he said to Goliath, This day the Lord will deliver you into my hand and I will strike you and take your head away from you. (1 Samuel 17:46)

The Israelites on the other hand did not believe that they could defeat their giants because they saw themselves as grasshoppers facing giants and so there was no way that insects could defeat giants.

Therefore, even if your giant is bigger than you physically, financially, numerically and in any other way, believe that God can do something that will enable you to defeat the giant for With God all things are possible. (Matthew 19:26)    

How To Fight Your Giants

7. Know That God Saves Through His Spirit

When David faced his giant Goliath, he declared, All this assembly shall know that the Lord does not save with sword and spear, for the battle is the Lord's and He will give you into our hands. (1 Samuel 17:47) David was not intimidated by Goliath's size or the armor that he wore to protect him or the spear that he carried even though the Staff of his spear was like a weaver's beam and his iron spearhead weighed 600 shekels (1 Samuel 17:7) because he knew that God does not need physical weapons to win a war.

The Israelites on the other hand were intimidated by the size and strength of the giants in their Promised Land and that is why they saw themselves as grasshoppers.

Therefore when fighting a giant, do not be intimidated by all the physical resources that your giant has at their disposal. Even if you are the underdog, believe that God can save you through His Spirit for it is "Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit" says the Lord of hosts. (Zechariah 4:6) Believe that the Spirit of God which enabled one stone to hit Goliath on the head and make him fall even though he was wearing a bronze helmet can also level the great mountain standing infront of you until it becomes a plain. (Zechariah 4:7)

How To Fight Your Giants

8. Put God In The Equation

When David faced his giant Goliath, he put God in the equation of David vs Goliath for he said, The battle is the Lord's. (1 Samuel 17:47) By saying this the equation changed to God + David vs Goliath and this enabled him to fight confidently.

The Israelites on the other hand, did not take into consideration what God could do to their giants. Their equation was Grasshoppers vs Giants They did not factor in God's help for they were saying, "Why has the Lord brought us to this land to fall by the sword?" (Numbers 14:3) They thought they were to fight the Israelites with their own might and their own power and that is why they accepted defeat without even fighting and started talking about going back to Egypt.

Therefore when fighting your giant, factor in God's ability to help you and let your equation be God + Me vs Giant as this will enable you to face and fight the giant confidently. Always factor in God's ability to defeat your giant before you surrender and accept defeat because With God all things are possible. (Matthew 19:26)   

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