Guest Post

If you would like to submit a guest post to Christian Stress Management please read the following:

1. The topic does not matter but it must have a Bible based teaching with at least one reference to the Bible. 

2. The post must be an  original one which has not been published anywhere else and which you agree not to publish anywhere else.

3. The post should be at least 500 words. 

4. The post should be accompanied by your bio telling our readers what you would like them to know about you. This can include a link to your website and your Twitter handle.

5. We reserve the right to edit your post for grammar, clarity, etc.

6. We reserve the right to publish the post. Submission does not guarantee publication.

7. Use the contact form to send us your guest post and we will get back to you. 

You can also use the contact form to ask me to write for your site.

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